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I. Stromer OMNI data protection.

The protection of your data is very important to myStromer AG. In the following we would like to inform you which data is collected when using the Stromer app and what happens to it. Please read and confirm this privacy policy in order to be able to use the range of functions of the Stromer OMNI app.

1. Registration data.

Use of the Stromer app requires a user registration. The data you enter for your registration is stored locally on your mobile device (smartphone/tablet) by the Stromer app and transmitted to myStromer AG. The following information is entered:

  • First name
  • Last name
  • Email
  • Cell number
  • Street
  • House number
  • Zip code
  • Town
  • Country
  • Preferred language
  • Optional information: Company, gender, date of birth, height, weight and newsletter subscription selection

After registration, your registration data will be visible to you as an app user provided you have logged in to the app and you can change it in the Stromer app.

2. Adding your Stromer (coupling).

To ensure that you can check the status information, battery level, position, etc. of your Stromer in the Stromer app, lock/unlock it directly via the app or adjust its motor settings, add your Stromer in the Stromer app (coupling). With the coupling of your Stromer, the information about your Stromer is retrieved from the myStromer AG database and stored on your mobile device.

3. Storage, processing, access and deletion of data.

The data you have entered and which can be configured in the Stromer app as well as the information on your Stromer are stored locally on your mobile device and at myStromer AG after your registration and the coupling of your Stromer and are synchronized.

We use personal data to guarantee the functions of the Stromer app, to save your configurations and to enable you to transfer the configurations to another mobile device. myStromer AG uses and processes your data solely for the purpose for which you have provided us with this data, for example by giving your consent or for the fulfillment of our contractual obligations. In addition, data is processed to protect our legitimate interests. Personal data is processed at all times in compliance with the data protection laws applicable in Switzerland and the EU.

myStromer AG also makes use of external service providers for the storage and processing of data. These have been carefully selected and commissioned by us, are bound by our policies and are regularly monitored. The data is stored in a computer center in Switzerland.

To improve the stability and quality of Stromer OMNI apps, myStromer AG uses the service Bugsnag (Bugsnag Inc., a Delaware corporation, 110 Sutter Street, San Francisco, CA 94104, USA). Bugsnag provides myStromer AG with real-time information about errors and crashes which can occur in the Stromer OMNI app. For more information about Bugsnag data protection, see

By deleting the Stromer app on your end device, all the data you have entered and the information about your Stromer on your end device will be deleted.

4. Location data for your end device.

To determine your current location, the Stromer app uses the location services of your device. In offline mode, the location is normally determined via GPS and in online mode the location can also be determined on a network basis via radio cells and WLAN hotspots. The Stromer app uses the approved interfaces and functions of the operating system. The location data is only used by the Stromer app locally on your end device for the above-mentioned functions. You can disable access to the location data in the device settings at any time. In this case you will not see your location on the map because the Stromer app cannot determine your location or the location of your end device. The Stromer app does not save or transmit the location data of your end device.

5. Your rights as a person concerned.

(1) Information.

Upon request, you will receive information free of charge at any time about all personal data that we have stored about you.

(2) Correction, deletion, restriction of processing (blocking), objection.

If you no longer agree to the storage of your personal data or if the data has become incorrect, we will, upon your instruction, arrange for the deletion or blocking of your data or make the necessary corrections (as far as this is possible under the applicable law). The same applies if we are to process data in the future only to a limited extent.

(3) Data transferability.

We store your data in a transferable form so that the data can be transferred to another company if you wish.

(4) Exercising your rights as a person concerned.

If you have any questions regarding the processing of your personal data, for information, correction, blocking, objection or deletion of data or in the event of your wishing to transfer the data to another company, please contact:

[email protected]

6. Anonymization & identification.

Data for which we are not able to identify the person concerned, e.g. if they have been anonymized for analysis purposes, are not covered by the above rights. Information, deletion, blocking, correction or transfer to another company with regard to this data is only possible if you provide us with additional information that allows us to identify the data.

7. Revocation of consent for the future.

You may revoke any consent you have given at any time to take effect in the future. Data for billing and accounting purposes are not affected by a cancellation/revocation or deletion. Your revocation does not affect the lawfulness of the previous processing.

8. Storage period.

Personal data that has been communicated to us by your registration in the Stromer app is only stored until the purpose for which it was entrusted to us has been fulfilled. As far as commercial and tax law retention periods are to be observed, certain data can have a storage period of up to 10 years.

9. Safety.

We protect the transmission of your data with a secure SSL and TLS connection. These technologies ensure that your personal data is transferred securely over the Internet and cannot be viewed by third parties.

10. Additional information on data protection.

This privacy policy refers to the use of data in connection with the Stromer app. You can find further important information on data protection, e.g. concerning visiting the website, contacting us, the Media Center or the newsletter here:

11. Subject to change.

We reserve the right to adapt or update this privacy policy if necessary in accordance with the applicable data protection regulations. In this way, we can adapt them to current legal requirements and take account of changes in our services, for example when introducing new services. For the use of the Stromer app, the latest version shall apply.

Date:  August 2022 | Version 2.0

II. Stromer OMNI Crash Alert feature data protection.

1. Purpose of the alert feature and how it works.

The Stromer OMNI app provides you with a Crash Alert feature. This feature can be used in an emergency in order to send a text message (SMS) to a designated contact person if a crash is detected. The bike has an integrated acceleration sensor which is able to de-tect if the bike gets into an atypical position if it was moving immediately beforehand, and if a specific speed was measured.

If a crash is detected, your named contact person will be notified that a crash has taken place, where you are, and that you may possibly need help. You have a brief period of time to stop the message from being sent manually before the contact person is noti-fied. A counter on the bike display indicates the amount of time available to do this.

The SMS has the following standardized wording:

     [First name last name,] has crashed on the Stromer. Please contact this person to clarify the situation. No automatic emergency call will be placed.

If the GPS location of the bike is known at the time of the crash, the emergency contact will also receive the following SMS:

     EN: Last known position: x.xxxxx, y.yyyyy
     Search radius: approx. xy meters

Certain requirements must be met in order to use the emergency feature. Version SUI FW or later of the software must be installed on the bike; you must set up the feature in the Stromer OMNI app and store a valid cell phone number. Messages triggered by the emergency feature will not be forwarded to myStromer or to the rescue services. A rapid and appropriate response will depend on whether your contact person sees the message and then gets in touch with you and/or notifies a third party.

The SMS is transmitted to your named contact via the cellular radio SIM card integrated into the bike. The use of the emergency number will not incur any additional costs.

2. Setting up and using the emergency feature.

In order to use the emergency feature, you must store a valid cell phone number of a contact person in the Stromer OMNI app under Profile/My Omni account/Emergency contact. The cell phone number must contain the country code (e.g. +41 xx xxx xx xx).

myStromer will not check that the number provided is valid. It is your responsibility to update the number provided if it changes and to notify the owner of the number that you have entered their cell phone number in the Stromer app in case of emergency.

3. Storage and processing of personal data.

In order to use the emergency feature, your personal details and the cell phone num-ber of your named contact person must be stored and forwarded to telecommunications service providers in the event of a crash. Your location will be identified with the help of a GPS signal and, provided that a signal is available, communicated to the contact person.

myStromer will process these data in compliance with the data protection laws applica-ble in Switzerland and the EU, and with the Stromer data protection statement.

4. Disclaimer.

The emergency feature is an automated channel in order to notify your designated con-tact person that a crash has been detected. A crash is detected with the help of the ac-celeration sensor if the bike gets into an atypical position after being in motion immediately beforehand (i.e. a speed was measured), regardless of the cause or severity of the incident. Other accidents, e.g. side-swipes, are not detected and do not trigger a message.

It is important for you to be aware that the emergency feature is only a help feature, and that the message triggered by it will only be sent to the cell phone number provid-ed by you. myStromer is not able to view the automated messages or to intervene in any way.

We cannot rule out the possibility that crashes will not be detected as such in individual cases, e.g. due to damaged sensors, or that messages will not be triggered due to external circumstances, e.g. there is no cell phone connection or it is not working.

myStromer will not be in any way liable if no message is triggered in the event of a crash, if the report fails to reach the contact person and/or if an appropriate response fails to ensue.

5. Subject to change.

We reserve the right to adapt the mode of operation of the myStromer emergency feature and/or the present regulation as and when required.

Date: August 2022 | Version 2.0