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New website for Stromer Speed Pedelecs.

September 05, 2019


Swiss Speed Pedelec manufacturer myStromer AG is celebrating the Stromer feel for life on the optimized brand website with a Bike Finder, Configurator and useful information.


Not only is Stromer turning the daily commute into an experience with its Speed Pedelecs, now the website is also even more user-friendly! The Bike Finder, Bike Comparison and Configurator functions and the four-language capability mean that commuter cycle enthusiasts all over the world can find the right Stromer bike with the right equipment for their needs with just a few clicks.

The highlights of the new Stromer website.

Anyone looking to invest in a Speed Pedelec will quickly find themselves faced with a huge number of questions: Which is the right bike for me? What functions do I need? The revamped website gives an even better overview of the various Stromer models and supplies further important information about the latest technical features and details, as well as developments in Speed Pedelecs.

  • The Bike Finder helps the user find the right model for their day-to-day requirements and riding style. The Bike Comparison now enables models to be easily compared and contrasted with each other at a glance.
  • The Configurator allows any Speed Pedelec to be customized with additional components and tailored to the rider’s own needs.
  • The new Swiss Technology section provides a clear and informative overview of what is so special about Stromer technology and the bike’s design.
  • The revised and expanded FAQ with search and filter function gives rapid and comprehensive answers to questions about models, technology, digital networking and service. What’s more, the FAQ can also be accessed from the particularly user-friendly OMNI app.
  • The expansion of the multilingual capability from two to four languages makes the website more attractive and user-friendly for browsers from a wide variety of markets: As well as German and English, the website can now also be accessed in French and Dutch.

Close cooperation with bike dealers.

With high-quality products, consultation plays a major role. That’s why existing and prospective customers can find an improved dealer search function on the website as well. As Jakob Luksch, managing director of the Swiss myStromer AG, explains: “Specialist dealers are a key partner for Stromer, because each of them is the first point of contact for Stromer riders. Stromer dealers not only help when it comes to advising on the purchase, configuration and registration of the Speed Pedelec, they also offer expert local after-sales service and support to do with the bike – regardless of which dealer the Stromer model was actually bought from.”

Drive the difference: Stromer combines the latest technology with Swiss engineering skills.

Stromer bikes are already delivering a sustainable improvement to urban mobility. That’s because Stromer combines new technologies with proven Swiss precision. “Stromer bikes are faster than e-bikes and, by achieving up to 45 km/h in commuter traffic, they represent a real alternative to the car and public transport: no fine dust pollution, no tailbacks, no noise and no need to hunt for parking spaces in clogged city centers. They’re the most efficient commuter solution for more riding fun and quality of life.”

The “Drive the difference” claim is intended to reflect what the Swiss expect of their products and their passion for innovation. With its firm belief that commuting can be quality time, the company has been putting Pedelecs with special functions onto the market since 2009: Stromer was the first bike manufacturer in the world to integrate the battery pack into the frame and network the models digitally. Luksch emphasizes: “We are bringing onto the road a feel for riding that is distinct, doing lots of new things and doing some things differently.” That much is evident not least from the major awards that Stromer in its pioneering role has won for the innovative design and functionality of its bikes.

Find the right model now and try it out for yourself!